Wednesday, June 13, 2012

BCS Stats Blitz! Hobby Stocks (1990-present)

The Hobby Stock division was added to the weekly racing program at Benton County Speedway at the start of the 1990 season when the track was reopened after it sat idle for six years. The Hobby Stocks remained unsanctioned until 2001. They have been IMCA sanctioned every year since that season. Below are the all-time statistics of the Hobby Stock division at Benton County Speedway since their initial race on May 20, 1990. A total of 398 Hobby Stock features have been held in weekly points racing in that time. All results include weekly racing only. No special events are included.

Hobby Stock Feature Wins
Vince Buchholz 48
Scott Pippert 39
Brad Forbes 18
Chris Luloff 16
Dan Krug 14
Ron Tharp 13
Paul Shepherd 12
Jerry Luloff 11
Scooter Dulin 11
Steve Meyer 11
Danny Dvorak 10
Frankie Dulin 10
Todd Temeyer 9
Jerry Dedrick 8
Matt Brown 8
Brad Anders 7
Steve Kesl 7
Bill Bonnett 6
Curt Hilmer 6
Curtis Roster 6
Rick Johnson 6
Brian Irvine 5
Chad Koch 5
Kyle Parizek 5
Nathan Ballard 5
Nick Murty 5
Dan Higdon 4
David Rice 4
J.R. Kahler 4
Jacob Keiser 4
Justin Stander 4
Roger Ciesielski 4
Cliff Tharp 3
Forrest Frost 3
Kris Walker 3
Rod Grother 3
Al Sweerin 2
Bob Kesl 2
Brian Happel 2
Cliff Gray 2
Craig Coventry 2
Damon Murty 2
Darin Duffy 2
Doug Laughridge 2
Heath Kusel 2
Jason Schutterle 2
Josh Irvine 2
Matt Hogan 2
Micheal Smith 2
Patrick Stansbery 2
Robert Hilmer 2
Stoney Leonard 2
Adam Gebel 1
Adam Streeter 1
Alvin Larsen 1
Bart Jensen 1
Bret Dage 1
Cale Petersen 1
Colt Mather 1
Darren Ackerman 1
Dave Swarts 1
Dave Sweerin 1
Derek Reisner 1
Don Cronbough 1
Gary Fowler 1
Gary Peiffer 1
Jamie Whitaker 1
Jim Foster1
Justin Lichty 1
Ken Bidwell 1
Larry Franken 1
Max Leonard 1
Mike Beyer 1
Mike Swarts 1
Russell Damme Jr. 1
Ryan Higdon 1
Todd Reitzler 1
Tom King 1
Troy Cordes 1
Wes Stanek Jr. 1
Zac Boehmer 1

Track Championships
1990 - Todd Temeyer (1)
1991 - Jerry Luloff (1)
1992 - Vince Buchholz (1)
1993 - Max Leonard (1)
1994 - Curtis Roster (1)
1995 - Vince Buchholz (2)
1996 - Vince Buchholz (3)
1997 - Vince Buchholz (4)
1998 - Vince Buchholz (5)
1999 - Jerry Dedrick (1)
2000 - Frankie Dulin (1)
2001 - Scooter Dulin (1)
2002 - Steve Kesl (1)
2003 - Vince Buchholz (6)
2004 - Chad Koch (1)
2005 - Steve Meyer (1)
2006 - Paul Shepherd (1)
2007 - Scott Pippert (1)
2008 - Chris Luloff (1)
2009 - Scott Pippert (2)
2010 - Scott Pippert (3)
2011 - Scott Pippert (4)

Most consecutive seasons with win
14 - Vince Buchholz (1992-2005)
7- Dan Krug (1993-1999)
7 - Brad Forbes (2005-?)
6 - Scott Pippert (2007-2012)
5 - Jerry Dedrick (1995-1999)
4 - Ron Tharp (1998-2001)
4 - Paul Shepherd (2003-2006)
4 - Matt Brown (2007-2010)
4 - Jacob Keiser (2009-2012)
3 - Cliff Tharp (1995-1997)
3 - Scott Pippert (1997-1999)
3 - Scooter Dulin (1999-2001)
3 - Steve Meyer (2003-2005)
Most consecutive seasons with win (active)
6 - Scott Pippert (2007-?)
4 - Jacob Keiser (2009-?)
2 - Kyle Parizek (2010-?)
2 - Justin Stander (2010-?)
First-time winners per month
20 - June
18 - May
18 - August
16 - July
7 - April
2 - September
Total features
Total winners
Longest win streak (same season)
5 - Scott Pippert (2007)
Longest win streak (over seasons, if longer than above)
Most wins in single season
13 - Scott Pippert (2011)
Most number of different winners in a season
12 (2007)
Career track championships
6 - Vince Buchholz (1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003)
4 - Scott Pippert (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
1 - Chad Koch (2004)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
1 - Curtis Roster (1994)
1 - Frankie Dulin (2000)
1 - Jerry Dedrick (1999)
1 - Jerry Luloff (1991)
1 - Max Leonard (1993)
1 - Paul Shepherd (2006)
1 - Scooter Dulin (2001)
1 - Steve Kesl (2002)
1 - Steve Meyer (2005)
1 - Todd Temeyer (1990)
Most consecutive different winners (same season)
10 (1999)
7 (2004, 2007)
6 (1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008)
Most consecutive different winners (over two seasons, if longer than above)
Most consecutive different winners to start season
5 (2004, 2006)
4 (1992, 1995, 1999, 2010)
Most consecutive different winners to end season
7 (1997)
4 (1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2006)
Most opening night feature wins
3 - Vince Buchholz (1997, 1999, 2003)
3 - Chris Luloff (2005, 2006, 2008)
2 - Forrest Frost (1991, 1992)
2 - David Rice (1993, 1995)
2 - Scooter Dulin (2000, 2001)
2 - Scott Pippert (2011, 2012)
1 - Craig Coventry (1990)
1 - Curtis Roster (1994)
1 - Dan Krug (1996)
1 - Jerry Dedrick (1998)
1 - Alvin Larsen (2002)
1 - Paul Shepherd (2004)
1 - Todd Reitzler (2007)
1 - Bill Bonnett (2009)
1 - Wes Stanek Jr. (2010)
Most season championship feature wins
6 - Vince Buchholz (1995, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
2 - Todd Temeyer (1990, 1992)
2 - Frankie Dulin (1999, 2000)
2 - Scott Pippert (2007, 2011)
1 - Jerry Luloff (1991)
1 - Brad Anders (1993)
1 - Roger Ciesielski (1994)
1 - Cliff Tharp (1996)
1 - Dan Krug (1998)
1 - Steve Meyer (2005)
1 - Jamie Whitaker (2006)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
1 - Matt Brown (2009)
1 - Kyle Parizen (2010)
Track champion with fewest feature wins
0 - Max Leonard (1993)
0 - Steve Kesl (2002)
Most points nights (season)
24 (2005)
Fewest points night (season)
12 (1990)
Most 2 race win streaks (each streak within same season)
5 - Scott Pippert
4 - Vince Buchholz
3 - Scooter Dulin
Most 3 race win streaks (each streak within same season)
2 - Scott Pippert
2 - Chris Luloff
Most 4 race win streaks (each streak within same season)
1 - Jerry Luloff
Most 5 race win streaks (each streak within same season)
1 - Scott Pippert
Seasons with no back-to-back feature winners
1992, 1996, 1999, 2005
Most days between first and most recent feature wins
6566 - Vince Buchholz (17 years, 11 months, 22 days)
Average number of different winners per season
Average number of race nights per season
1st feature winner in division history
Craig Coventry (5/20/90)
50th feature winner in division history
Brad Anders (6/6/93)
100th feature winner in division history
Ron Tharp (6/30/96)
150th feature winner in division history
Frankie Dulin (6/27/99)
200th feature winner in division history
Patrick Stansbery (6/9/02)
250th feature winner in division history
Brad Forbes (5/1/05)
300th feature winner in division history
Nick Murty (7/1/07)
350th feature winner in division history
Brad Forbes (4/18/10)
Monthly sweeps (minimum of 3 races in month)
July 1991 - Jerry Luloff (3 races)
May 2002 - Vince Buchholz (3 races)
Won 2 features during season of 1st career win
Craig Coventry (1990)
Todd Temeyer (1990)
Vince Buchholz (1992)
Darin Duffy (1992)
Heath Kusel (1993)
Dan Higdon (1996)
Scooter Dulin (1999)
Stoney Leonard (2001)
Micheal Smith (2005)
Brian Happel (2005)
Josh Irvine (2007)
Doug Laughridge (2011)
Won 3 features during season of 1st career win
J.R. Kahler (2002)
Kris Walker (2002)
Nick Murty (2003)
Chad Koch (2004)
Chris Luloff (2005)
Kyle Parizek (2010)
Won 4 features during season of 1st career win
Brad Anders (1993)
Roger Ciesielski (1994)
Frankie Dulin (1996)
Brian Irvine (2003)
Won 5 features during season of 1st career win
Won 6 features during season of 1st career win
Rick Johnson (1990)
Won 11 features during season of 1st career win
Jerry Luloff (1991)
Season opener win following championship night win the season before
Vince Buchholz (2002-2003)
Scott Pippert (2011-2012)
Won track championship the same year as first career feature win
Rick Johnson (1990)
Jerry Luloff (1991)
Vince Buchholz (1992)
Chad Koch (2004)
Won track championship the same year as final career feature win
Rick Johnson (1990)
Jerry Luloff (1991)
Curtis Roster (1994)
Jerry Dedrick (1999)
Frankie Dulin (2000)
Scooter Dulin (2001)
Steve Meyer (2005)
Paul Shepherd (2006)
First-time feature winners per season
8 (1993)
7 (2002)
6 (1991, 1992, 1999, 2007)
5 (1990, 2005)
4 (2003, 2011)
3 (1995, 1996, 2001, 2004)
2 (1994, 1997, 2000, 2009, 2010)
1 (2006, 2008)
0 (1998)
Earned first career win on opening night
Craig Coventry (1990)
Forrest Frost (1991)
Alvin Larsen (2002)
Chris Luloff (2005)
Todd Reitzler (2007)
Wes Stanek Jr. (2010)
Earned final career win on opening night
Alvin Larsen (2002)
Todd Reitzler (2007)
Wes Stanek Jr. (2010)
Earned first career win on championship night
Steve Meyer (2005)
Jamie Whitaker (2006)
Earned final career win on championship night
Jerry Luloff (1991)
Roger Ciesielski (1994)
Frankie Dulin (2000)
Steve Meyer (2005)
Jamie Whitaker (2006)
Days as career wins leader (through 6/10/12)
6,152 - Vince Buchholz (8/6/95-6/10/12)
1,484 - Jerry Luloff (7/21/91-8/13/95)
427 - Rick Johnson (5/27/90-7/28/91)
21 - Craig Coventry (5/20/90-6/10/90)
Bookend wins (won opener and championship features in same season)
2 - Vince Buchholz (1997, 2003)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
1 - Scott Pippert (2011)
Won opening night feature and track championship in the same year
1 - Curtis Roster (1994)
2 - Vince Buchholz (1997, 2003)
1 - Scooter Dulin (2001)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
1 - Scott Pippert (2011)
Won championship night feature and track championship in the same year
3 - Vince Buchholz (1995, 1997, 2003)
2 - Scott Pippert (2007, 2011)
1 - Todd Temeyer (1990)
1 - Jerry Luloff (1991)
1 - Frankie Dulin (2000)
1 - Steve Meyer (2005)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
Won opening night and championship night features, plus track championship the same year
2 - Vince Buchholz (1997, 2003)
1 - Chris Luloff (2008)
1 - Scott Pippert (2011)
Most recent 2-time feature winner in a season
Kyle Parizek (2011)
Doug Laughridge (2011)
Most recent 3-time feature winner in a season
Scott Pippert (2011)
Brad Forbes (2011)
Matt Brown (2011)
Kyle Parizek (2011)
Most recent 4-time feature winner in a season
Bill Bonnett (2009)
Most recent 5-time feature winner in a season
Brad Forbes (2009)
Most recent 6-time feature winner in a season
Vince Buchholz (2002)
Most recent 7-time feature winner in a season
Chris Luloff (2008)
Most recent 8-time feature winner in a season
Steve Meyer (2005)
Most recent 9-time feature winner in a season
Scott Pippert (2009)
Most recent 11-time feature winner in a season
Jerry Luloff (1991)
Most recent 13-time feature winner in a season
Scott Pippert (2011)

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